Municipio 4.2.6

Sebastian Nordqvist Thulin
Detta innehåll är äldre än 60 dagar.

We’re excited to introduce Municipio 4.2.6! This update enhances the user interface, resolves several bugs, and adds a brand-new module for an even better experience.

Styleguide (0.11.1106)

  • Allows selecting multiple instances of the same filter type.

  • Resolves a bug that made the user unable to expand compressed tags.

Component library (4.19.1):

  • Adds the ability to truncate items in the breadcumb component.
  • Force dot icons on tags to be filled, not respecting icon style settings (improved visibility).
  • A bug in acceptance the prevented some javascripts to run has been fixed.

Modularity (6.22.4):

  • Fixes the warning in absence of a classlist provided for breadcrumb component.

  • A new module for rendering menus has been introduced (Menu, mod-menu).
  • Broken icons in the editor is now being displayed properly, improved UI with a more coherent interface.

Municipio (5.15.1):

  • Implements customizer capability to set the breadcrumb max length for labels before being truncated.

  • Adjustments made for flexible header alternative.
  • Fixes an issue that caused active menu item not being marked as active in manually entered menus.

Open Street Map (2.5.0): 

  • The public filter now allows users to refine a hierarchical set of options.

Contact Banner (3.2.0): 

  • Let the user select from a dropdown populated with icon alternatives rather than inputing a string representing a material icon.