Municipio 4.9.2

Sebastian Nordqvist Thulin

Version 4.9.2 of Municipio includes some fixes for issues in previous releases. It also brings a refactor on the Customizer Applicator Class, resolving issues like not being able to preview changes, unpublished data leak to frontend and a more extendable codebase.

Municipio (v5.71.3)

    • Refactor on the Customizer Applicator Logic, resolving issues like not being able to preview changes, unpublished data leak to frontend and a more extendable codebase.
    • Integrates PostTypeDesign to the newly refactored Customizer Applicator Logic and fixes some bugs.
    • A new filter to allow post types labels to be changed has been added (PR by  RuslanaLogosha).
    • The ”Post Type Design” feature has been moved in the customizer, to Design Library Panel.
    • Menu items now support custom css classes to be applied from the Menu Editor.
    • Menu items now support custom links to be inserted.
    • Change style of the header search button in flexible headers.
    • Removes some stale methods.
    • A fix has been implemented to prevent attempts to retrieve a page template when no object is queried, such as during a search or on an archive page (PR by
      Michael Claesson @ Consid).
    • Adds the ability to set the width of the header (fullwidth, wide or default). The default option, aligns with the standard container.

Component Library (v4.34.2)

  • The style logic of the drawer has been simplified to be easier to style.
  • Improved handling of image placeholders in cards.

Styleguide (v0.11.1169)

  • Fixes an issue with fallback coloring in notices of type ”danger”.
  • Adjustments and simplification of the drawer component.

Broken Links (v4.0.6)

  • A patch has been applied to address an issue that was preventing posts from being saved successfully.
  • Broken links are now removed from the Link Registry when a post is saved.

Modularity (v4.64.4)

  • A fix has been implemented to resolve an issue affecting the filtering of posts by taxonomies.

  • Menu module now accepts a classlist.
  • Updates on the swedish language file.

Modularity Like Posts (v2.8.1)

  • A minor fix has been applied to ensure the user ID is interpreted correctly.

End to End Testing

  • With this release and onwards, we are conducting comprehensive testing of the full product on a production environment consisting of approximately 3,000 pages across multiple sites. These tests utilize the WordPress end-to-end (e2e) testing framework built on Playwright, enhancing overall stability.This release has been verified for the following (with more checks to be added in the future):
    • Ensuring all pages return a 200 response code.

    • Confirming no Blade rendering warning messages are generated.
